Urara Tsuchiya a Faenza
In occasione del progetto di residenza presso FACC Faenza, lo studio dell’artista Urara Tsuchiya sarà aperto su invito nella giornata di sabato 7 marzo.
Le opere prodotte in residenza e mostrate in anteprima, saranno parte della mostra personale dell’artista presso la galleria ADA, Roma, che inaugurerà mercoledì 25 marzo.
A partire dalle ore 17.00, presso il Museo Carlo Zauli di Faenza, sarà proiettato il video d’artista:
Give us a meow, 2019
Flim by Ben Toms
Music by Jack Bernnan
Edited by Adam Aftanas
Costume/ Performed by Urara Tsuchiya
A seguito di indicazioni in merito all’emergenza COVID-19, il Museo Carlo Zauli ha fissato 3 proiezioni (ore 17, ore 18, ore 19) con un massimo di 15 partecipanti ciascuna., a cui accedere solo su prenotazione scrivendo a museocarlozauli@gmail.com.
Urara Tsuchiya (1979, Giappone) vive e lavora a Glasgow. La sua pratica artistica include prevalentemente la lavorazione della ceramica, la performance e la realizzazione di video ed eventi dal vivo, caratterizzati dai costumi realizzati dall’artista e da episodi di home cooking. La costruzione di set specifici, riprodotti in miniatura nelle sculture in ceramica, mira alla creazione un ambiente alternativo, all’interno del quale possano avere luogo comportamenti fuori dall’ordinario.
Le sue mostre personali e collettive includono: 2020 – ADA, Roma (upcoming). 2019 – Warm Drizzle, Gallery Golsa, Oslo; Frieze Art Fair, London, Solo booth. 2018 – Liste Art Fair, Basel, Solo booth; Girls Club, Glasgow International, Glasgow. 2017 – Urara Tsuchiya, Trade Gallery, Nottingham; Amazing girls/ its complicated, Kevin Space, Vienna. 2016 – Room Service, Union Pacific, London; Neopagan Witch Bitch, Evenly Yard, London; 2015 – Connoisseurs world, Queen’s Park Railway Club, Glasgow.
presso FACC | Faenza Ceramic Art Center, Piazza II Giugno, 8, Faenza
presso Museo Carlo Zauli, Via della Croce, 6, Faenza.
Coordinamento: senzatitolo
On the occasion of the residency project at FACC Faenza, the studio of the artist Urara Tsuchiya will be open on Saturday 7 March upon invitation.
On preview the works produced during the residency which will be part of the artist solo show at ADA Rome, opening Wednesday 25 March.
On Saturday 7 March starting from 5 pm at Museo Carlo Zauli in Faenza there will be a meeting with the artist and the projection of the video:
Give us a meow, 2019
Flim by Ben Toms, Music by Jack Bernnan, Edited by Adam Aftanas
Costume/ Performed by Urara Tsuchiya
Due to COVID-19 emergency, Museo Carlo Zauli has planned 3 separate screenings at 5 pm, 6 pm and 7 pm. The access will be limited to 15 people per screening and by reservation only.
To reserve a seat please write to: museocarlozauli@gmail.com
Urara Tsuchiya (1979, Japan) lives and works in Glasgow. She works mainly with ceramics, performance, video, and live events, often incorporating soft sculpture, costumes, and home cooking. These function as props to set up an alternate environment for out of the ordinary behaviors to take place.
Solo and Group shows include: 2020 – ADA, Roma (upcoming). 2019 – Warm Drizzle, Gallery Golsa, Oslo; Frieze Art Fair, London, Solo booth. 2018 – Liste Art Fair, Basel, Solo booth; Girls Club, Glasgow International, Glasgow. 2017 – Urara Tsuchiya, Trade Gallery, Nottingham; Amazing girls/ its complicated, Kevin Space, Wien. 2016 – Room Service, Union Pacific, London; Neopagan Witch Bitch, Evenly Yard, London; 2015 – Connoisseurs world, Queen’s Park Railway Club, Glasgow.
at FACC | Faenza Ceramic Art Center, Piazza II Giugno, 8, Faenza
from 5 pm MEETING WITH THE ARTIST and VIDEO SCREENING Give us a meow, 2019
at Museo Carlo Zauli, Via della Croce, 6, Faenza.
Coordination: senzatitolo