davide ronco

Davide Ronco is a Copenhagen based multidisciplinary artist and designer. 

After a bachelor in Industrial Design from the IUAV University in Venice, he developed a more emotional and sculptural approach obtaining a Master in Ceramic Design from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. 
He grounds his practice on material research and solid craftsmanship within the field of experimental design and contemporary art. By challenging the praxis from the conventional tools and methodology, he creates sculptural objects and archetypal forms, whilst focusing on the study of perception and the dichotomy between Natural and Artificial. The fascination for the Ad Extremum, as the human presence’s narrowness, is at the core of his on-going research on precarious existence of men: a study on transience, fragility and decay.  Whether with sculpture, furniture or site-specific installations, his diverse work revolves around found materials, unconventional methods and up-cycling processes.
Davide works on different personal and commissioned projects.

Represented by TableauAure StudioAdorno.


vive e lavora a Copenhagen


2016 / 2018
MA Ceramic Design
KADK The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen DK

2012 / 2016
Bachelor of Industrial Design and Multimedia
I.U.A.V, Venice IT

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The cracks in the tiles and vases were a metaphor of the fragility of buildings, streets, objects and everything that humankind has built on this planet. Now they exist as a manifestation of the imprint of Man (literally on the floor installation and undirectly with the rain-cracked vases).

As in the theory of signs, the crack itself now does not exist only in its physical form and meaning the break, but also represent the end as the finite existence of the presence and action of mankind.
Although this sounds mere philosophical it expresses a very simple concept: everything man-made and man themselves will end.
Disruption has happened. The cracks are there.

What is next? How will mankind live and relate to the disrupted existence of today?