Brand / performance / showroom / happening

The artistic rendering of the brand. A fusion between art and fashion (in this case) that wants to go beyond the cliché of the artist’s print of the fabric and on the garment. In this event / perfor- mance / exhibition, pret a porter fashion and art (pret a porter) become one thing by branding art and making art the brand. An action that creates an exhibition space and a showroom at the same time. The brand’s clothing and works are made of the same material.
The brand communication campaign is part of the work itself and vice versa. This interdisciplinarity is the key of the project that analyzes the contemporary characteristics of the cultural field in Italy and in the world, a search for the current phenomenon of contamination betwe- en cultural artistic realities.
The interesting point of view from the rules of the artistic space (do not touch, do not buy) broken thanks to those of the clothing store (buy, try, experiment).
In fact, during the event and for the entire duration of the exhibition, the space will become a brand gallery within which you can buy and try on the items as well as the works.
A step further than the recent experiments for example of msgm, gcds, but also of the more traditional campaigns of fashion houses such as Versace, Fiorucci, Gucci etc. as the brand lends itself to become the artist’s material and the artist.